What is the difference between a cartridge labeled Recycled, Remanufactured or Compatible?
As the toner cartridge industry continues to mature, it has increased its capability to deliver higher and higher quality to the public. This is especially true for manufacturers of recycled cartridges.
Recycled products are commonly thought of as items that were new from a factory, depleted of its original value, and instead of disposing of it to the landfills, they have been reclaimed and reworked.
Some 15 years ago the manufacturers of the reworked cartridges often drilled a hole and filled the empty core with more toner. These are known as the drill and fill factories and gave the recycled industry of toner cartridges a bad reputation because there were so many problems to the end users. There are very few of these vendors left.
The more resourceful manufacturers took an engineering approach to their product’s quality. By taking the cartridge completely apart and replacing and cleaning all the components, they raised the bar for the manufacturers of recycled printing cartridges. These factories labeled their cartridges Remanufactured and immediately created the market for higher quality and innovative new replacement parts. The public was pleased with the toner products and the reputation of the industry has flourished as seen by the numerous testimonials about quality and savings.
Premium Compatible Toner Cartridges is a fairly new identifier to alert the public that there has been yet another raising of the bar for quality. The suppliers of the replacement components have made increasing advancements in quality. Much training and attention to standards by the manufacturers as a whole of aftermarket cartridges industry has again gained significant strides in excellence, where the recycled cartridges now on the market are of equal or higher quality as the original factory produced cartridges. In fact the OEM factories such as Hewlett Packard, Lexmark and Canon recently took a hint from the recyclers and also found value in using reclaimed components. Read their boxes and you’ll see for yourself. You’ll wonder why you should pay more.